Sunday, May 27, 2007

Resveratrol could save drunks lives

Drinking a glass of wine a day has shown health benefits for people for many years. While doctors will always caution against heavy drinking of any kind it is believed that one of the major reasons that wine is so helpful is the high content of "resveratrol".

Resveratrol comes from the skin of grapes and is a very powerful antioxidant. It has been touted for many health benefits including: anti-aging, cardiovascular health, anti-cancer effects, and liver protection. In fact in a recent research study on lab rats suggests "that resveratrol reduces mortality and liver damage". They gave lab rats booze spike water. Some got reveratrol and some did not. There was also a control group and a resveratrol only group. "Mortality in the alcohol group was 78% in the seventh week, versus 22% in the alcohol plus resveratrol group "

Ummmm..... WOW. I am not rat. But scientists choose rats because of certain similarities they have to human physiology. Pair this with the fact that some people have credited resveratrol to the "French Paradox" everyone keeps talking about. French people tend to eat foods heavy in saturated fats and yet have a lower occurrence of heart disease and obesity. I probably don't need to remind you that french people drink a lot of wine.